Level Select CBD Roll On level 3

Level Select CBD Roll On level 3

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The best users reviews about this product

Eric M.

Game changing CBD experience

I've been using the Level 3 Select 1200mg roll-on for over a week now and I feel amazing. I've tried a CBD product before with mixed results because it was a much lower concentration of CBD and came without an applicator. However, the 1200mg Level 3 Select CBD with roll-on applicator is just fantastic. I use it on my lower back every night about 3Read more about review stating Game changing CBD experience0 minutes before going to sleep. I used to wake up multiple times during the night but am now sleeping through the night and wake up rested and feeling great. I love the light refreshing scent and can't get over how much I appreciate the roll-on for a mess free experience. The Level 3 Select 1200mg CBD roll-on is definitely worth trying, it is just excellent

Todd V.

Great for my tennis elbow

I started using the Level 3 roll-on on my tennis elbow before workouts and what a difference it's made for me. I've tried taking other CBD's before for my tennis elbow, but applying the roll-on directly to the spot has made a big difference for me. I'd highly recommend the product, as it seems like a high quality product.

Peter B.

Wonderful product!

This is my first try of this product. I like it. It's a neat way to apply it to the parts that hurt. As for effectiveness i see the improvement.No offensive odor. No side effects. Quickly absorbs into skin. Quick drying. No staining of clothes. I do recommend!

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